Broken Connections, Inc.

12832 Euclid Avenue, East Cleveland, Ohio 44112, USA
12832 Euclid Avenue East Cleveland Ohio 44112 US

Broken Connections, Inc. (BCI) is a tax exempt, community-based, not-for-profit organization located in East Cleveland, Ohio. Established in April 1996 BCI is a twelve bed residential facility that provides emergency housing and supportive services for runaway, homeless and street youth between the ages of 10-18. BCI is the only not for profit organization that provides assistance for runaway and homeless youth.  BCI also provides emergency shelter care for minor teen mothers and their infants in the same facility. BCI focuses on preventing runaway episodes, reuniting families through counseling intervention, providing on-going services to maintain stability in the family system, and providing 60 days of aftercare services once a youth has successfully completed the program.

Broken Connections recognizes that it takes more to teach a person to fish than to just give them a fish. It takes patience, persistence and support. That is why 43% of our current staff are individuals who have either been homeless or on the brink of becoming homeless. We strive not only to make a difference, but to also make a positive impact on each individual we are blessed to serve, to enrich the community in which we live and to influence the conscience of our community on social injustices for the homeless. Respect and empathy are as important in rebuilding lives as food, shelter and supportive service.